Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cheap Flea Treatment

My dogs, Beo and Jax, are truly my babies. I would do just about anything for them. I want to protect them from getting lost, so I had them microchipped. I want to keep them safe from deadly doggy diseases so I have them vaccinated. I want to keep them free of worms, fleas, and ticks so they are both on a heartworm preventative and on a once-a-month flea and tick preventative.

What I don't like about the flea and tick preventative is how darn expensive it is when purchased from my vet. $24.00 per month for both dogs. I looked in to buying it through mail order catalogs like Drs. Foster and Smith and those places advertised on TV like 1-800-petmeds and PetRX but I wasn't impressed by their prices either.

The best deal I have found so far is on ebay.

Instead of paying $36 for a three month supply for one dog ($72 for three month for both dogs) I was able to get a three month supply for both dogs for @ $50.00 with shipping. Thats a $22 savings.

And I assure you it is exactly the same thing I would buy from my vet.

Ebay its a good thing! (As Martha Stewart would say)


Maggie said...

I have been really happy with . The site lloks chaep and scared me at first, but I have been really happy with the stuff I bought

Maggie said...

Sorry about my spelling above. I am trying to multi-task and I am not doing it very well :)