Thursday, September 27, 2007


The purging continues... So far we have added to the huge pile of stuff leaving the house

-- 2 hot lights (used for photography)
-- 1 laptop dock

I am sure that between now and Saturday morning there will be more to come.

Tracking Cash -- Wednesday/Thursday

Friday: $25.79 (odds and ends at supermarket)
Saturday: $30 (tip for furniture movers)
Sunday: $0 spent
Monday: $33 (at dry cleaners), $33.70 (birthday presents at Marshals)
Tuesday: $8.40 (at post office), $4.16 (at Starbucks)
Wednesday: $2.99 (a drug store for cushioning inserts for new shoes), $1 (snacks at work)
Thursday: $0 spent

Total to date: $139.04

There is approximately $5.00 left in my wallet at the moment and since I will be going to the bank at lunch, my week is officially over. The $5 will be tucked away for holiday shopping or some other special purchase. That is what I do with left over cash each week. Whether it is $1 or $20 dollars it is collected and saved and then spent on something special like vacation, holidays, spa trip, etc.

It was interesting to see it in print. This week I spent more than I usually budget for a week, but there were a few special expenses in there like the moving mens' tip and the dry cleaning. All in all, not too bad. Of course, there is always room from improvement.


Kacie said...

Whoops, I just posted a comment but Blogger gave me an error message.

Anyway, I wanted to say what you're doing by tracking every purchase is a great idea. I make most of my purchases with a debit card so I can review my account online, but you're taking it a step further. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

does this include purchases made w/Visa or Master Card???

Molly said...


No it does not. This was just the cash that I spent. I think, fo me, it is very easy to keep track of credit card spending. I check my statement online, I always save the receipts, etc. Cash seems to be harder for me to keep track of, thus this little experiment.

Anonymous said...

You inspired me to really start tracking my expenses, cash or otherwise. thanks!