Since it was such a nice weekend, hubby and I did a little yard work that we had been putting off... namely raking leaves and picking up dog poop. Ok, so we don't actually rake, we have a leaf blower. Anyway, hubby was blowing all the leaves around the yard and I was following behind him picking up the poop which was LONG overdue. Needless to say, between the plentiful piles and the leaves hiding a few... nuggets... I stepped in a lot of poop. I was wearing my Dansko clogs at the time, which, when I was finished (after collecting 3 grocery bags full) I left sitting on our deck box to dry out making the poop easier to remove. I kind of forgot that the shoes were out these until this morning when I went to let the dogs out and it was pouring.
My shoes, my very expensive leather shoes were filled with water and soaking wet! I brought them in the house and put them on newspaper to dry. When I get home tonight I will break out the boot dryers and see if that will help.
Do you think they are ruined? Any thoughts on getting leather shoes dry?
No I don't think they're ruined, the color may change abit. Put some crushed up newspaper in them to help absorb the moisture. Good Luck
I don't think they are ruined. They will dry - just might be a slightly darker color and perhaps a little tighter.
ugh~I just love my Dansko clogs, and would be very upset if something happened to them. Good luck with them drying out.
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