After the baby arrives and after the newborn stage is over, I plan on using cloth diapers. I think that they are better overall. Better for the baby, for my budget, and for the environment. I like o plan ahead so I have been assembling my diaper stash slowly. Here it it:
-- 5 Kushie All in Ones (although I think I am returning these)
-- 2 Green Mountain Diapers fitted
-- 2 Under the Nile fitted
-- 2 snappies
-- 7 microfiber doublers/inserts
-- 4 Fuzzi Bunz pocket diapers
-- 2 Happy Hiney pocket diapers
-- 2 Bumkins covers
-- 10 Bummis whisper wraps
-- 9 contours
-- 24 Chinese Prefolds
Here they are in pictures:
Prefolds and contours

Bumkins covers and Bummis Whisper Wraps

Fuzzi Bunz and Happy Heiny Pocket Diapers

Doublers/Inserts and Snappies

Fitted Diapers

Kushies All in Ones

Cool! Please keep us updated on how the diapers go. Since you're using disposables during the newborn phase, you'll be able to do a good comparison!
I'm not pregnant, and probably won't be for awhile, but I'm definitely considering cloth diapers.
We've been using the chinese prefolds(CPF) for over two years now. They really last! We used the premie size on dd when she was newborn, and now we are using the ones with the green stitching.
I had small covers, but they were too big for my newborn, so I used preemie covers. Dd was a little over 7 pounds when she was born(average size), but premie sizes seem to fit best for newborns around this size.
I still use the premie diapers...I just use them as doublers now.
At night I have to use a CPF and two hemp doublers, and this seems to do the trip - no leaks.
I love cloth! It's not hard at all. I throw the dirties into a plastic mesh laundry basket next to the washer in the garage - no stinky sell in the house.
One thing no one told me when I got new diapers, most of them need to be washed a few times before they will absorb properly. This includes the covers. I had some covers leak badly before I figured this out! Something about the fabric coating...I know cotton has some sort of waxy coating before it is washed in detergent.
You have a nice stash...I went through a lot of diapers everyday when dd was young and on milk only, now she goes through a lot less. She's two and no where near wanting to potty train. I'm glad these diapers have held out so well.
Oops, I meant to say,"do the trick", not "trip"! Hemp, stash and trip...oh dear! Definitely not a freudian slip on my part! LOL. I'm just a terrible typist..hunt and peck only.
in my experience, a baby EITHER fits in happy heinys or fuzzi bunz, but both probably won't work... have you thought about getting a bumgenius or two? they really are the cadillac of cloth diapers...
Well, the Kushies, the under the niles, and the happy heinys all went back. I'll stick with my prefold ad covers and my fuzzi bunz and see what we think before investing any more money in cloth diapering.
I have thought about BG, but I am going to wait and see what happens before investing.
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