Monday, October 29, 2007

A Good Day

I knew that when I got pregnant I would, for the most part, be unable to wear my regular clothes and that was ok by me because it gave me the opportunity to get a few new and cute pieces. What no one told me was that I would be unable to wear my old shoes!

Over the summer this was no so much of a problem because I spend most of the summer months in Birkenstocks and they accommodate all sorts of foot swelling, stretching, etc. As it started to get colder and when I was going to work my Birks weren't really appropriate and I reached into the closet for some of my more sensible heels. Oh, I should mention that before now, I didn't own any flat shoes, it was heels or nothing for me!

So I picked out a pair of kitten heeled spectator pumps and slipped, er... um.... jammed a foot into them. Frantic flalying ensued while I tried desperately to get the thing, er... shoe off of my foot. My feel were either too wide now, or simply too swollen to wear those shoes. I then spend the next 20 minutes trying every pair of shoes on that I own and deciding that they all were too small now.

So, the next stop was to buy some shoes. I got a cute pair of black flats at target. I borrowed a cute pair of brown flats from my mom, and I bought a pair of chocolate brown Uggs from

So.... this morning when I was getting dressed I decided on wearing my tan skirt with a black sweater (since it is finally sweater weather) . I would have opted for my black flats but I donlt have any tights/pantyhose that will come close to fitting, so I grabbed my black suede, knee-high boots. I hadn't bothered to try them on so I didn't know if they would actually fit or not, but, low and behold, THEY DO FIT!!!!!

These boots are my pride and joy and I talk to them in the same loving voice that I talk to my dogs in. I was ever so excited! I knew then that I was going to be a good day (oh, that and I only have to work 4 hours today, but it was mainly the boots :) )

My Boots:

1 comment:

Jendeis said...

Those boots are gorgeous!! Funny, today really feels like fall because I pulled on boots as well. :)