Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Copyright: Daisy weblog

So this morning I had my glucose challenge test which meant I had to down a bottle of super sweet gook and then have my blood draw precisely 1 hour later. I have heard HORROR stories about this test. About people chocking on the Glucola, about almost throwing up the gGucola, about getting dizzy and light headed and nauseas from the Glucola.

Needless to say I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to drink it, that it would make me sick, etc. Well now that I drank the stuff I have to say that all of those other people were WIMPS!

It was no where near as bad as they made it out to be. It wasn't really thick at all (not the consistency of cough syrup which is what I thought it would be like) and it tasted like flat orange soda. Since I have a weakness for orange soda I didn't find it objectionable at all.

Now, heres hoping that the results are good! Keep your fingers crossed!!!


Anonymous said...

I could never understand why people complained about that orange stuff either - I'm with you - I thought it tasted like orange soda. What's so bad about that?

Molly said...

Thank you Grace! I was beginning to think I was the only one. Even the nurses were complaining about how awful it was.

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

I remember thinking it wasn't too bad. Now I really want an orange soda.