So I bit the bullet yesterday and filled my car up with gas. OUCH! I have a 2003 Honda CR-V and although it is an SUV it is very good on gas this being said, I still spend $50.38 yesterday ($4.12 a gallon). Luckily that will last me about 10 days or so.
Where do you live and what are you paying for gas?
I think it will be interesting to see what the prices are like all over the country and this way we can all laugh (because it ain't worth crying over) at this ridiculousness!
It could widen my imagination towards the things that you are posting.
HI. I actually have a question about your household binder that you made. I followed a link from another site. I am in the process of making one and I am gathering info on what I want to put in mine. My question is what do u have in the diaster prepardness section or what do u include in that area? Thanks a bunch!
I printed out this document http://www.fema.gov/pdf/areyouready/basic_preparedness.pdf
from the FEMA website. This section of my binder (which really needs to be overhauled) is about putting together a disaster preparedness kit, making a disaster plan, things like that.
Does that help?
I am in Oklahoma and gas is 3.88 a gal as of yesterday. My 1998 Chevy Tahoe takes at least $100 to fill up every 2 weeks. That would not be bad if I actually drove anyplace other than work and church. I have a 60 second commute to work but church is 22 miles one way and I drive it twice on Sundays, then Wed and Thurs nights.
Needless to say I need a smaller car with better gas mileage.
Don't cry over $50 for gas...I drive a 2003 Chevy Suburban. Gas is up to $4.00 in Northeastern PA and it costs me over $100 to fill the tank. Strange thing, though, I can't even fill the tank up because the pump stops at $100.00 when I pay with a credit card. Jeez!
Hi! Well being on the border of IL and MO..here around me in IL gas is anywhere from $4.07-4.15 When I drive to work over in MO though it is 3.85 by my work. I always fill up over there lol
Hi Molly!
I live in Iowa (yes, the flooded state) and I am currently paying $3.79 for a gallon of gas. We are so fortunate that I would at home and my husband works 6 blocks away. He either rides his bike to work or walks. We can walk to the grocery store, bank, library, movie theatre, restaurants, etc. as long as it's not raining!!! :) We only have to fill up every other week or so and the last time I filled up it cost $52.00.
In Australia where I live, gas (we call it petrol) is almost $7 a gallon.
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