Sunday, November 25, 2012


So this morning I decided to empty all of the trashcans in the house.  Not really a big deal, it is something I do every Sunday.  I started with the trashcan by the washer which happen to contain the broken pieces of my big pasta bowl.  I picked up the big pieces and put them in the bag. While doing this one of the pieces sliced through the plastic and I though to myself, "um... who would have thought that would be sharp?"  Then I turned the trashcan upside down to dump it into the bag.  A Piece of broken bowl that was wedged into the can unlodged and landed on my pinky finger... Ouch!  "That is going to be a bad scrape" I though to myself.  When I pulled my hand out I was rather shocked to see that it was not a scrape, but a huge chuck on my finger that had been cut out.


I ran upstairs to get Jon and pretty much lost all of my common sense.  He had to tell me to put pressure on it, to elevate it, to sit down.  When I did finally sit down the situation kind of caught up with me and I started to have an asthma attack.  Jon got me my inhaler and we staved off the attack.  Then I could feel myself starting to pass out (pretty sparkles in the air!) so I laid down and got control of myself.

I sent Jon to get dressed and called my mom to come watch Nate so I cold go to the hospital.  It usually take her 20 minutes to get to my house but today it took her 11... go mom! 

I really didn't want to spend 8 hours in the ER with sick people but I didn;t think I really had a choice, then Jon remembered that a new urgent care facility had opened up in the shopping center around the corner from the house.  Brilliant!  We went there and in 1.5 hours I was stitched up and on my way home.

 Here is my finger after being cleaned out and stitched up.

 And after being mummified

Truly, the worst part of this experice was having to get a tetanus shot.  They hurt for so long!!!  So I am stitched and wrapped for 10 days and then hopefully everything will be back to normal.

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