Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tie Shirt Complete!

I am not onefor those "Easter outfits" you see in store with the bow ties and the sweater vests... I know lots of people are, but I never really felt the desire to dress Nate up like Orvell Redenbocker.

That being said, when I found this pattern and instructions for the Tie shirt on Crap I've Made I knew that was what Nate would be wearing on Sunday.

It took me longer to get out my sewing machine then it did to construct this shirt from start to finish... I could have made 1,000 of them last night that are that easy and fun.

The end result:

And a close up on the tie:

I used one of Nate's white undershirts, I have the fabric and the wonder under on hand, so this shirt cost us $0!

1 comment:

la famiglia said...

That is absolutely adorable Molly! I'm sure he looked very handsome.