Friday, October 22, 2010

The Joy of Weekend Cooking & Baking too...

I suddenly have a major bee in my bonnet about cooking/baking this weekend.  I have no idea why exactly (nor do I know why I am using an expression like "bee in my bonnet") but I digress.

I think I will be making these Cheddar Cornmeal Waffles for breakfast tomorrow morning.  Do you put syrup on these?  

I will also be making this Ethiopian Chicken Stew .  Probably without the hard boiled egg as a garnish.

And how could I resist this Bleeding Brain Cake... seriously... how halloweeny can you get?


Anonymous said...

I think maple syrup or a lovely cooked apple topping would be awesome on the cheddar cornmeal waffles.

Molly said...


I did use maple syrup and it was GOOD!