For the holidays last year, my friend Steph bought me 2 Baggu re-usable shopping bags. I have to admit that I did not use them at first. I didn't use any re-usable shopping bags at first. In fact, and I am completely embarrassed to admit this, the idea of hauling my own bags to the supermarket and seeing people with piles of bags in their carts annoyed me to no end. I actually got irritated when I saw people using re-usable bags. I have absolutely no idea why. It was completely counter to my environmental leanings... but anyway...
I have since gotten over this feeling and have embraced the re-usable shopping bag movement. I have a combination of bags that I keep in my car and take shoping with me. Some are canvas LL Bean-like totes, others are the free giveaway conference totes, but my favorite by far are the Baggu bags.
They are made of rip stop nylon, fold un teeny tiny so I can keep them in the diaper bag or even in my purse. The hold a ton of stuff and are easy to load and unload.
The website offers a ton of funky colors and at $8 each (less if you buy three of six at a time) I think they are a good deal. I am thinking of buying a few more for myself and maybe even giving some as gifts/stocking stuffers this holiday season.
They are so cute. I keep a bag in the car, but have to admit that many times completely forget to bring it in with me! I'm getting better though. Every little bit helps, right?
Moll, you're right they would make good Christmas presents....hint,hint.
Great colors too
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